Announcing two new groov EPIC I/O modules for power monitoring and universal I/O
Are you looking to lower your energy spend, avoid equipment failure, and reduce carbon emissions? Good news. With Opto 22’s two new I/O modules, you can bring energy, performance, and machine health data directly from the edge—from both old and new equipment—into backend systems, reducing complexity, cost, and timelines.
This 3-phase power monitoring module with 64 channels of data provides an efficient way to monitor and measure power (up to 600 VAC!) and energy usage in your facility.
This 10-channel, multi-signal, multifunction module supports thousands of unique, software-configurable I/O combinations. It’s ideal for your projects with many mixed signal types and a need for maximum I/O flexibility.
Both of Opto 22’s new modules provide signal quality indicators and intelligent functions like scaling, averaging, and totalizing.
Contact us today with any questions on these new I/O options or for help designing the best groov EPIC system for your application.