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groov RIO MM2 is an award winner!

Opto 22 takes another Engineers’ Choice award in Control Engineering magazine’s annual competition.
CTLx_ENG_2022_EngAward_WinnerThank you for making the groov RIO MM2 the choice of engineers! We were honored to learn that our newly introduced edge I/O product was named a 2022 Engineers’ Choice Award winner in the 35th annual Control Engineering awards program.

The Engineers’ Choice Awards shine a light on 19 categories of control, instrumentation, and automation products, revealing the best of those introduced in 2021 as chosen by the Control Engineering print and digital audience. These votes recognized groov RIO MM2 as the leader in the I/O Networking and Edge Computing category.

What’s special about groov RIO MM2?

groov RIO® revolutionizes remote I/O by offering over 200,000 unique, software-configurable I/O combinations in a single, compact, PoE-powered industrial module with web-based configuration, commissioning, and IIoT software built in, plus support for multiple OT and IT protocols.

The groov RIO MM2 module (GRV-R7-MM2001-10) includes Ignition Edge® version 8 software pre-installed and provides more RAM and storage than its pioneering predecessor (GRV-R7-MM1001-10) to support Ignition’s full range of features.

You can use either Ignition 8 or Ignition Edge 8 on a trial basis for two hours at a time, and you can restart the trial as often as you want. To fully use Ignition Edge, purchase an Ignition Edge license, part number GROOV-LIC-EDGE8. (To fully use Ignition 8, contact us for licensing information.)

For the complete groov RIO MM2 product specs, download the datasheet.

Or see how groov RIO fits in your system architecture.

And thanks again to all who voted!

Written by Janice Colmer

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