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ICC X Recap: The Best of Both Worlds

by Aaron Block, Inductive Automation on October 05, 2022 Every year, the Ignition Community Conference gets bigger. That means more attendees, more sessions, and more insights. But ICC X — our tenth annual gathering of the worldwide Ignition community — was the first that we’ve delivered both in-person and virtually, giving it a wider reach than

Participation of Tuvi & Co in Robotics Strategy Forum 2022

We participated for the first time in the technology forum Robotics Strategy Forum 2022 organized by the “Professional Association of Robotics and Automation” (PARA). The event was held on 19 and 20 September in the Incubator Building of Sofia Tech Park. Tuvi & Co. is the primary and sole representative of the California-based OPTO 22

Refurbishment for Atucha 1

Argentina is preparing to refurbish Atucha I, the first nuclear power reactor in South America, so that it may generate power for a further 20 years. A framework to regulate the work has been agreed. Atucha 1 came into service in 1974 and its current operating licence expires at the end of 2024. At that

How Ignition Helps Water Utilities Do More with SCADA

At Inductive Automation, we love sharing success stories from organizations around the world that are using Ignition to overcome obstacles and improve industrial processes. Every industry comes with its own unique challenges and requirements, and this article focuses on the world of water and wastewater. We collected and combined three recent articles from Water & Wastes

Indiana helps manufacturers optimize energy use

A recent article featured in Control magazine outlines the project that brought together the state of Indiana and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Indiana is leading the way in advancing manufacturers to make Industry 4.0 quick, simple, and cost-effective. The state has launched a first-of-its-kind program to enable its manufacturing industries to become the Factories of the Future.

Choosing current transformers (CTs)

Monitoring power and energy means measuring both voltage and current at the load’s source. For voltage, you wire directly to the service wiring. For current, however, you use current transformers (CTs). In the image at right, you see the thinner black wires for measuring voltage and the three CTs around the larger black, red, and

groov RIO MM2 is an award winner!

Opto 22 takes another Engineers’ Choice award in Control Engineering magazine’s annual competition. CTLx_ENG_2022_EngAward_WinnerThank you for making the groov RIO MM2 the choice of engineers! We were honored to learn that our newly introduced edge I/O product was named a 2022 Engineers’ Choice Award winner in the 35th annual Control Engineering awards program. The Engineers’

Announcing two new groov EPIC I/O modules for power monitoring and universal I/O

Are you looking to lower your energy spend, avoid equipment failure, and reduce carbon emissions? Good news. With Opto 22’s two new I/O modules, you can bring energy, performance, and machine health data directly from the edge—from both old and new equipment—into backend systems, reducing complexity, cost, and timelines. GRV-IVAPM-3 This 3-phase power monitoring module

Two new groov EPIC I/O modules for power monitoring and universal I/O

Learn about two new I/O modules just announced for the groov EPIC controller. Two highly anticipated groov EPIC modules are here: the 3-phase power monitoring module with 64 channels of data (!), and the highly flexible, software-configurable multifunction, multi-signal module. These new modules can take your system to another level of efficiency and another step closer to your digital

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